On Monday, I started the first of three summer classes that I'm taking this summer. This one is nutrition. One of the first things my professor said was, "you are what you eat." If you eat a bunch of foods that aren't that good for you, your body won't be able to function as well as if you ate foods that are good for you. She used the example of Twinkies. Lets say you eat 3 or 4 Twinkies every day. At first, you probably won't notice anything different. But at some point, that will change. The instant in time where you realize you somehow gained enough weight that your favorite pair of jeans no longer fit. The process is a long term process. Isn't that so much like our Christian walk? I heard a song on Pandora Radio recently. It was talking about how what we do and what we hear and what we see all have a impact on our lives. It may not be immediate. But it will play a part in what we are like. What we put in - whether it be Twinkies or TV shows or books or blueberries - will affect us. It's like the video game, Fable. In the game, you are a Hero in a village and what tasks you do affects your reputation and even more what you look like. If you do mainly bad deeds, then you look evil (more like a devil_ and the villagers are scared of you. And if you do mainly good deeds, then you look good (more like an angel) and villagers love you. Isn't that so much like life? Every. Single. Little. Choice has an impact. A few weeks ago, I talked about how life is not a to do list with certain choices but an infinite number of choices that we make. I guess you could say this has been on my heart a lot lately. The only conclusion I've come to, is that we need to be aware of the choices that we are making. In the end, I keep coming back to one verse.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
~ Proverbs 4:23
Jesus, help me to be conscious of what I am putting in, into my body and into my heart. Guide me in knowing what kind of affect my choices are having on my life. Give me the strength to avoid the temptations that are all around me. I choose you.
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