30 July 2010

prepositions and connections

Prepositions. In my Italian class, we're working on prepositions, those silly little 2 or 3-letter words that connect verbs and nouns to form sentences. Now, for a native English speaker, prepositions aren't that difficult...in English. But in Italian, they are probably one of the most difficult parts of the language! Yet, without prepositions, all you have are conjugated verbs and nouns and subjects in a combination that makes no sense. I mean, think about it, if I stopped using prepositions in Italian, it would be like speaking gibberish. Take the following sentence.

Without prepositions:
I'm going Denver.

If I didn't know what I was trying to say, I would be confused. Am I saying that I'm going WITH Denver (Denver being the name of a person)? Or is it that I'm going FROM Denver (to another location)? Or even I'm going TO Denver?

I was thinking today in class that prepositions are kinda like parts of our relationship with God. Just as prepositions connect verbs, nouns and other parts of speech to form sentences, prayer, reading the Bible, and spending time with God connect us to God. Let's see if I can explain this better.

If I want a relationship with God but I don't ever spend time getting to know Him, through prayer and studying the Bible, then I would be like a group of verbs and nouns without prepositions. The relationship would be nonexistent. Just as prepositions connect verbs and nouns into sentences, spending time getting to know God connects us to God.

So what language are you speaking? Are you speaking with prepositions or without? Are you connected to God? My hope is that if you aren't connected, if you're like verbs and nouns grouped together; my hope is that you will want to become a whole and complete sentence, that you will want a relationship with God.

May you find the prepositions to connect you with the God who can transform you into a whole and beautiful sentence.

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